

博士,副教授。20022013年间在中国科学技术大学BET体育365下载学习,获得理学学士和理学博士学位。20134月起在中国科学技术大学BET体育365下载从事博士后和特任副研究员工作。20194月通过中国科学技术大学优秀人才引进,任BET体育365下载副教授。主要研究方向为基因表达调控相关的生物大分子结构和功能,主要研究成果发表于Nature Communications, Cell Research, Nucleic Acids Res, J Am Chem SocJBC等期刊。获中国博士后科学面上基金,科学青年基金和国家自然科学联合基金资助。





代表论文:*通讯作者, #相同贡献)

  1. Kwon, S.C#., H. Jang#, S. Shen#, S.C. Baek, K. Kim, J. Yang, J. Kim, J.S. Kim, S. Wang, Y. Shi, Li F.*, and V.N. Kim*, ERH facilitates microRNA maturation through the interaction with the N-terminus of DGCR8. Nucleic Acids Res, 2020. 48(19): p. 11097-11112.

  2. Zhang M.#, Li F.#, Li, K.#, Wang Z.L., Wang Y.X., He J.B., Su H.F., Zhang Z.Y., Chi C.B., Shi X.M., C.H. Yun, X.M., Z.Y. Zhang, Z.M. Liu, L.R. Zhang, D.H. Yang, M. Ma*, X. Qiao*, and Ye M.*, Functional Characterization and Structural Basis of an Efficient Di-C-glycosyltransferase from Glycyrrhiza glabra. J Am Chem Soc, 2020. 142(7): p. 3506-3512.

  3. Sun, A#., C. Gasser#, Li F.#, H. Chen, S. Mair, O. Krasheninina, R*. Micura*, and A. Ren*, SAM-VI riboswitch structure and signature for ligand discrimination. Nat Commun, 2019. 10(1): p. 5728.

  4. Yang Y, Xu Z, He C, Zhang B, Shi Y*, and Li F* Structural insights into the recognition of gamma-globin gene promoter by BCL11A. Cell research. 2019.

  5. Xie G#, Vo TV#, Thillainadesan G, Holla S, Zhang B, Jiang Y, Lv M, Xu Z, Wang C, Balachandran V, Shi Y, Li F*, and Grewal SIS*. A conserved dimer interface connects ERH and YTH family proteins to promote gene silencing. Nat Commun. 2019;10(1):251.

  6. He C*, Liu N, Xie D, Liu Y, Xiao Y, and Li F*. Structural basis for histone H3K4me3 recognition by the N-terminal domain of the PHD finger protein Spp1. Biochem J. 2019;476(13):1957-73.

  7. Zhao Y, Zhang G, He C, Mei Y, Shi Y*, and Li F*. The 11th C2H2 zinc finger and an adjacent C-terminal arm are responsible for TZAP recognition of telomeric DNA. Cell research. 2018;28(1):130-4.

  8. Yang SF#, Sun AA#, Shi Y, Li F*, and Pickett HA*. Structural and functional characterization of the RBBP4-ZNF827 interaction and its role in NuRD recruitment to telomeres. Biochem J. 2018;475(16):2667-79.

  9. Liu J, Zhang S, Liu M, Liu Y, Nshogoza G, Gao J, Ma R, Yang Y, Wu J, Zhang J*, Li F*, and Ruan K*. Structural plasticity of the TDRD3 Tudor domain probed by a fragment screening hit. Febs J. 2018;285(11):2091-103.

  10. Xie CL, He C, Jiang YY, Yu HL, Cheng L, Nshogoza G, Ala MS, Tian CL, Wu JH, Shi YY*, and Li F*. Structural insights into the recognition of phosphorylated Hop1 by Mek1. Acta Crystallogr D. 2018;74:1027-38.

  11. Li F#, Zhao D#, Wu J*, and Shi Y*. Structure of the YTH domain of human YTHDF2 in complex with an m(6)A mononucleotide reveals an aromatic cage for m(6)A recognition. Cell research. 2014;24(12):1490-2.

  12. He C#, Li F#, Zhang JH, Wu JH*, and Shi YY*. The Methyltransferase NSD3 Has Chromatin-binding Motifs, PHD5-C5HCH, That Are Distinct from Other NSD (Nuclear Receptor SET Domain) Family Members in Their Histone H3 Recognition. J Biol Chem. 2013;288(7):4692-703.



