博士,副教授。2005年毕业于安徽大学,获理学学士。同年进入中国科学技术大学微尺度国家实验室硕博连读,于2010年获得理学博士学位。2011年至2015年在美国Cornell大学生物化学系从事博士后研究工作,2015年4月起任中国科学技术大学BET体育365下载特任副研究员,2019年4月起任副教授。主要研究成果以(共)第一作者/通讯作者身份发表在Nature Communications、JACS、PNAS、Cell Research等期刊。
2) 组蛋白翻译后修饰的识别与调控机制
1. Fang Tiantian (#), Chen Wanbiao (#), Sheng Yaping, Yuan Siming, Tang Qiaowei, Li Gongyu, Huang Guangming, Su Jihu, Zhang Xuan(*), Zang Jianye (*), Liu Yangzhong (*), Tetrathiomolybdate induces dimerization of the metal-binding domain of ATPase and inhibits platination of the protein, Nature Communications, 2019, 10:186。
2. Hang Tianrong (#), Chen Wanbiao (#), Wu Minhao, Zhan Li, Wang Chengliang, Jia Nan, Zhang Xuan(*), Zang Jianye (*),Structural insights into the molecular mechanism underlying Sirt5-catalyzed desuccinylation of histone peptides, Biochemical Journal, 2019, 476 (2):211-223。
3. Tian Tian (#), Li Xiaorun (#), Liu Yingying (#), Wang Chengliang,Liu Xing; Bi Guoqiang; Zhang Xuan(*); Yao Xiaobiao (*) ; Zhou Z.Hong (*) ; Zang Jianye (*), Molecular basis for CENP-N recognition of CENP-A nucleosome on the human kinetochore, Cell Research, 2018,28: 374-378。
4. Zhou Xing (#),Zheng Fan(#),Wang Chengliang (#),Wu Minhao,Zhang Xiaozhen,Wang Qian,Yao Xuebiao,Fu Chuanhai,Zhang Xuan (*),Zang Jianye (*), Phosphorylation of CENP-C by Aurora B facilitates kinetochore attachment error correction in mitosis, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 2017.11, 114: E10667~E10676。
5. Zhang Yingjie (#), Wu Minhao (#), Hang Tianrong (#), Wang Chengliang, Yang Ye, Pan Wenmin, Zang Jianye, Zhang Min (*), Zhang Xuan (*),Staphylococcus aureus SdrE captures complement factor H's C-terminus via a novel 'close, dock, lock and latch' mechanism for complement evasion,Biochemical Journal, 2017,474(10):1619-1631。
6. Eser Bekir E (#)., Zhang Xuan (#),Chanani Prem K.,Begley Tadhg P. (*),Ealick Steven E. (*), From Suicide Enzyme to Catalyst: The Iron-Dependent Sulfide Transfer in Methanococcus jannaschii Thiamin Thiazole Biosynthesis, Journal of the American Chemical Society, 2016, 138 (11):3639~3642。
7. Sasaki Eita,Zhang Xuan,Sun He G.,Lu Mei-Yeh Jade,Liu Tsung-lin,Ou Albert,Li Jeng-yi,Chen Yu-hsiang,Ealick Steven E.,Liu Hung-wen *,Co-opting sulphur-carrier proteins from primary metabolic pathways for 2-thiosugar biosynthesis,Nature,2014.6.19,510(7505):427~+。
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